Last Reviewed: September 2024
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Thailand's space activities consist of a civilian and military component with cooperation between them. GISTDA, the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, is Thailand's space agency. Other relevant civilian agencies include, for example, NARIT (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand) and the National Space Affairs Division under the Office of the National Digital Economy and Society.

As for the military component, the list of relevant agencies for space security includes the Space Affairs Center under the Defence Information and Space Technology Department and Ministry of Defence as well as the Space Operations Center under the Royal Thai Air Force and the Office of the National Security Council. 

These agencies cooperate across space missions and the implementation of national policies and strategies. Contemporary policy and strategy documents include the Royal Thai Air Force 5-year operational plan (2023-2027), GISTDA's action plan for fiscal year 2024, the National Security Policy and Plan (2023-2027), and the Royal Thai Air Force White Paper 2024.