
Data Transparency

Data Contribution Acknowledgements

The Space Security Portal is an important transparency and confidence building measure. As such, voluntary information contributions from States and Organizations play an integral role in not only populating the Space Security Portal but fostering information exchange across the international community. If you are interested in sharing official State and or Organizational space security related initiatives you may fill out the Submission Survey or reach out to us at or through our Contact Us Form.

UNIDIR appreciates and acknowledges the voluntary information contributions from the following supporters listed in alphabetical order:

  • Australia
  • Bahrain
  • Ecuador
  • European Union
  • France
  • Germany
  • New Zealand
  • Pakistan
  • Republic of Korea
  • Russian Federation
  • Singapore
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United States

If you do not wish to be listed in the public acknowledgements please email us at

A Note on Methodology

The Space Security Portal takes a mixed-methods approach to data collection, combining direct contributions from States and Organizations with independent desk research. Where States or Organizations have the capacity to contribute, their inputs are incorporated; where such contributions are unavailable or limited, profiles are developed or supplemented through structured research guided by internal data protocols established by the research team. All data undergoes an internal peer review process and periodic information review requests are sent to States and Organizations to ensure accuracy and relevance. This approach seeks to ensure a comprehensive, transparent, and methodologically rigorous representation of global space security governance.

Most of the data on the Space Security Portal is compiled from official and publicly available open sources. Exceptions to this are in the event that a State or Organization directly contribute and approve for publishing on the Portal information that is not yet available in the public domain. Every effort has been made to trace information back to the official documentation disseminated by the relevant State or Intergovernmental Organisation. Selection and categorisation of relevant documents is at the discretion of the UNIDIR Space Security Programme and based on detailed analysis by project staff. Further details on how categories are defined can be found in the glossary.