In addition to the information available on the Space Security Portal, there are several other tools and platforms that can be useful for diplomats, policymakers, researchers, and others interested in the field of space security governance.
By clicking on the links provided, you will be visiting external sources. UNIDIR is neither responsible for the content provided by the external platforms listed below, nor should the inclusion of a resource on this page be interpreted as an endorsement of the views expressed by the respective hosting institutions. To suggest the inclusion of an additional resource, use the Space Security Portal Contact Form.
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and the Secure World Foundation developed a Lexicon for Outer Space Security. One challenge to advancing space security is the absence of common understandings of frequently used terminology. To facilitate shared understandings of key topics and terms, the Lexicon aims to serve as an accessible global reference point for terminological issues related to space security.
The Secure World Foundation Resource Library is a repository of documents and publications related to outer space. The library houses a variety of publications by Secure World Foundation staff organized under topics ranging from Human and Environmental Security to Multilateral Discussions on Space.
In addition, the Secure World Foundation has the following information resources for space security:
The United Nations Office of Outer Space Affair's Accessing Space Treaty Resources Online (ASTRO) portal is a collection of international and national instruments on space activities developed by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. The objective of the platform is to raise global awareness about and adherence to the five United Nations Space Treaties and additional non-binding instruments relevant to international space law, share best practices, and foster the development of national legislation and policy related to space activities.
The UNODA resource page on outer space outlines the existing legal framework on outer space. Additionally the resource page provides information on contemporary UN processes relevant to outer space such as the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) and the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE), including links to repositories of all the relevant documents that are available pertaining to those processes.
The UNODA Documents Library is the official digital library of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), providing access to a collection of documents, statements, publications, and archival materials from all UN disarmament related processes.
Reaching Critical Will is the disarmament programme of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). They house a document repository of official statements and resolutions pertaining to disarmament, including in relation to outer space.