Last Reviewed: March 2024

Singapore's national space office is the Office for Space Technology & Industry (OSTIn) which is the national focal point for all civil space matters. OSTIn received an expanded mandate in 2020 to develop Singapore's space industry, space technology and capability, space policy and regulations, space talent and workforce, and to grow international partnerships. 

The DSO National Laboratories, based under the Ministry of Defense of Singapore, is Singapore's largest defence research and development organisation working across domains including space. 

From a regulatory perspective, IMDA is Singapore’s national regulator for the use of radio frequencies, the operation of satellite communications stations and the use of satellite orbital slots. Relevant frameworks and policies include licenes for satellite communication stations, satellite orbital slots, and spectrum management and coordination. 

An outline of Singapore's Space Strategy was presented Minister Gan Kim Yong's speech to the 14th Global Space and Technology Convention. Additional key developments include the Space Technology Development Programme.