Last Reviewed: July 2024
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Portugal's outer space program structurally consists of civilian and military components. Portugal Space, the Portuguese Space Agency was founded in 2019 and is the leading civilian outer space authority. Portugal Space was created by the Portuguese Government to implement the National Strategy for Space, Portugal Space 2030, which is the guiding framework for Portugal's space activities.

The Ministry of National Defence is responsible for overseeing the nation's military space interests. The National Defence Strategy for Space 2020-2030, released 2021, is the guiding document informing the nation's military space priorities.

As a member State to the European Union, Portugal adheres to the established space framework by the European Union including key positions including but not limited to the Space Strategy for Europe and the European Union Space Strategy for Security and Defence. As a member of the EU, a key space security position also includes Portugal's political commitment not to conduct destructive anti-satellite missile tests.