Malaysia established the Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) in 2019 through the merging of Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (MRSA) and National Space Agency (ANGKASA). The initiative of MYSA is to ensure the development and management of the national space sector in a strategic, organised and comprehensive manner.
Malaysia adopted its National Space Policy 2030 in 2017, which includes the Malaysia Space Exploration 2030 Programme (Malaysia Space-X 2030). The National Space Policy 2030 outlines the goal for economic strategic growth via the space sector, especially by supporting localized development of remote sensing technology, and establishes a National Space Committee (JANGKA). JANGKA will get advisory and information sharing from the National Security Council (NSC), for security matters, and the Malaysian Aerospace Council (MAC), for commercial matters. JANGKA will also have a Space Coordination Committee chaired by ANGKASA.